Here in Honduras
Happy rainy season! Everything is flooded! The rain is beating down on the tin roof this quiet Saturday morning as I sit down to reflect on the past several weeks. The six of us new missionaries arrived in Honduras about 4 weeks ago after our language school adventures in Antigua. The best words to describe my time here so far are “exciting” and “uncomfortable”. The first two weeks were our official orientation time – receiving talks on how to approach kids with trauma, shadowing teachers in the school or the nurse in the clinic, learning how to do jobs around the house (burning trash, where to dump the “organico” – still kind of a treasure hunt every time to find eggshells or old rotting vegetables that indicate the spot) and other "orientationy" kind of things. We also had a retreat day the first weekend here. One of the quotes we were given to reflect upon has stuck with me: “Are we open to God’s surprises? Or are we closed and fearful before the newness of the...