Getting into the groove
Buenas Días to all and feliz Domingo! I blog today to update my faithful readers, prayer Warriors, family and friends as life continues here in Antigua. This week has been one of learning and some routine. I enjoy the routine of running up to the Cross on the North end of Antigua several times a week. I enjoy the routine of school every day. However, nothing is ever too routine here. Our pal, Deenenoth has left for other adventures and our other pals - Andrea and Katrin have left the city as well. However, new friends have joined us, including but not limited to an Irish woman, Sara, two middle aged sisters from California, and two new missionaries - Francesca and Emily!! It is great to have them here. Some highlights from the week included some medical practice. My host mother, Elsa, is an absolutely beautiful and inspiration woman. About 60 years old, she has raised 4 children and now dedicates her life to service of the poor. She has worked in the hospital as a nurse in every de...